Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Create beautiful Bookmarking Widget for Blogspot posts

Network Social the factors important for seo blogger and build links How to add the button to bookmark society for blogger? 
With just 3 simple steps you will have a bar add very niceand cool to share this article on the social network as well .
  • Stumbleupon
  • Digg
  • Reddit
  • Delicious
  • Yahoobuzz
  • Blinklist
  • Technorati
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Myspace
  • Mixx
  • Scriptstyle
  • Designfloat
  • Comfeed
  • Newsvine
  • Linkedin
  • Google
  • Friendfeed
Step 1:
A. antenna input into account blogger you the Design Edit HTML .  
Check utility Expand
Then find the following code :

]]></ B: skin>
Insert following code immediately before it:
div.sexy-bookmarks {margin: 20px 0 0 0; border: 0; outline: none; clear: both! important 'div.sexy-bookmarks-expand} {height: 29px; overflow: hidden}. sexy-bookmarks-bg- sexy. sexy-love-bookmarks-bg {background-image: url ('http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/176/sexytrans.png')! important; background-repeat: no-repeat} div. sexy-love-bookmarks-bg {padding: 26px 0 0 10px; background-position: left-1148px! important '} ul.socials div.sexy-bookmarks {width: 100%! important; margin: 0! important; padding: 0 ! important; float: left} div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials li {display: inline! important; float: left! important; list-style-type: none! important; margin: 0! important; height: 29px! important ' ; width: 60px! important; cursor: pointer! important; padding: 0! important 'div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials} li: before, bookmarks ul.socials div.sexy-li: after, div.sexy-ul bookmarks. socials li a: before, div.sexy-bookmarks ul.socials li a: after {content: none! important '} ul.socials div.sexy-bookmarks a {display: block! important; width: 60px! important; height: 29px ! important; text-indent:-9999px! important; background-color: transparent! important '} ul.socials div.sexy-bookmarks a: hover {background-color: transparent! important'}. sexy-digg. sexy-digg: hover,. sexy-reddit. sexy-reddit: hover,. sexy-stumbleupon. sexy-stumbleupon: hover,. sexy-delicious. sexy-delicious: hover,. sexy-yahoobuzz. sexy-yahoobuzz: hover, . sexy-blinklist. sexy-blinklist: hover,. sexy-technorati,. sexy-technorati: hover,. sexy-facebook. sexy-facebook: hover,. sexy-twitter. sexy-twitter: hover,. sexy -myspace. sexy-myspace: hover,. sexy-Mixx,. sexy-Mixx: hover,. sexy-scriptstyle. sexy-scriptstyle: hover,. sexy-designfloat. sexy-designfloat: hover,. sexy-Comfeed ,. sexy-Comfeed: hover,. sexy-Newsvine. sexy-Newsvine: hover,. sexy-linkedin. sexy-linkedin: hover,. sexy-google. sexy-google: hover,. sexy-FriendFeed, no-repeat! important; border: 0; outline: none;}. sexy-digg {background-position:-980px bottom! important '}. sexy-digg: ​​hover {background-position:-980px top! important'}. sexy- reddit {background-position:-700px bottom! important '}. sexy-reddit: hover {background-position:-700px top! important'}. sexy-stumbleupon {background-position:-630px bottom! important '}. sexy-stumbleupon: hover {background-position:-630px top! important '}. sexy-delicious {background-position:-1190px bottom! important'}. sexy-delicious: hover {background-position:-1190px top! important '}. yahoobuzz {background-sexy- position:-1120px bottom! important '}. sexy-yahoobuzz: hover {background-position:-1120px top! important'}. sexy-blinklist {background-position:-1260px bottom! important '}. sexy-blinklist: hover {background-position :-1260px top! important '}. sexy-technorati {background-position:-560px bottom! important'}. sexy-technorati: hover {background-position:-560px top! important '}. sexy-myspace {background-position:-770px bottom! important '}. sexy-myspace: hover {background-position:-770px top! important'}. sexy-twitter {background-position:-490px bottom! important '}. sexy-twitter: hover {background-position:-490px top ! important '}. sexy-facebook {background-position:-1330px bottom! important'}. sexy-facebook: hover {background-position:-1330px top! important '}. sexy-Mixx {background-position:-840px bottom! important'} . sexy-Mixx: hover {background-position:-840px top! important '}. sexy-scriptstyle {background-position:-280px bottom! important'}. sexy-scriptstyle: hover {background-position:-280px top! important '}. sexy-designfloat {background-position:-1050px bottom! important '}. sexy-designfloat: hover {background-position:-1050px top! important'}. sexy-Newsvine {background-position: bottom left! important '}. sexy-Newsvine: hover {background-position: left top! important '}. sexy-google {background-position:-210px bottom! important'}. sexy-google: hover {background-position:-210px top! important '}. Comfeed {background-sexy- position:-420px bottom! important '}. sexy-Comfeed: hover {background-position:-420px top! important'}. sexy-linkedin {background-position:-70px bottom! important '}. sexy-linkedin: hover {background-position :-70px top! important '}. sexy-FriendFeed {background-position:-1750px bottom! important'}. sexy-FriendFeed: hover {background-position:-1750px top! important '}. sexy-link {margin-left: 25px; float: left}. sexy-link A {padding: 10px 0; width: 470px; text-align: right; border: 0; outline: none}
Step 2:
Find the code:
</ Head>
Insert following code immediately before it:
<script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js' type='text/javascript'/> <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery (document). ready (function () {/ / xhtml 1.0 strict way of using target _blank jQuery ('. a.external sexy-bookmarks'). attr ("target", "_blank"); / / this sets the auto vertical block khi expand there are more than / / one row of bookmarks. sexyBaseHeight var = jQuery ('. sexy-bookmarks'). height (); var sexyFullHeight = jQuery ('. sexy-ul bookmarks. socials'.) height () if (sexyFullHeight> sexyBaseHeight) {jQuery ('. sexy-bookmarks-expand'). hover (function () {jQuery (this). animate ({height: sexyFullHeight + 'px'}, {duration: 400, queue: false});}, function () {jQuery (this). animate ({height: sexyBaseHeight + 'px'} , {duration: 400, queue: false});});} / / autocentering if (jQuery ('. sexy-bookmarks-center')) {var sexyFullWidth = jQuery ('. sexy -bookmarks '). width (); var sexyBookmarkWidth = jQuery ('. sexy-bookmarks: first ul.socials li '). width (); var sexyBookmarkCount = jQuery ('. sexy -bookmarks: first ul.socials li '). length; var numPerRow = Math.floor (sexyFullWidth / sexyBookmarkWidth); var sexyRowWidth = Math.min (numPerRow, sexyBookmarkCount) sexyBookmarkWidth; var sexyLeftMargin = (sexyFullWidth-sexyRowWidth) / 2; jQuery ('. sexy-bookmarks-center'). css ('margin-left', sexyLeftMargin + 'px');}}) </ script>  

Step 3:
Find the code (check the "Expand utility" to find):

When found, please insert the following code after it:
<Div class = 'bookmarks sexy-sexy-sexy-bookmarks bookmarks-expand-bg-love' style = 'margin: 20px 0 0 0! Important; padding: 25px 0 0 10px! Important; height: 29px; / * the height of the icons (29px) * / display: block! important; clear: both! important; '> <ul class='socials'> <li class='sexy-delicious'> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href = '"http://del.icio.us/post?url =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title' rel = 'nofollow' title = ' Share this on del.icio.us "> Share this on del.icio.us </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-digg'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '" http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url = "+ data: post.url +" & title = "+ data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Digg this ! '> Digg this </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-stumbleupon'> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href =' "http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit? url = "+ data: post.url +" & title = "+ data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon '> Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUpon </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-reddit'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://reddit.com/submit?url =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Share this on Reddit "> Share this on Reddit </ a> </ li> <li class = 'sexy-google'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&bkmk =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Add this to Google Bookmarks '> Add this to Google Bookmarks </ a> </ li> <li class =' ​​sexy -twitter '> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href =' "http://twitter.com/home?status=Reading:" + data: blog.title + "-" + data: post . url + "(@ NAME)" 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Tweet This! '> Tweet This! </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-facebook'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title' rel = 'nofollow' title = 'Share this on Facebook'> Share this on Facebook </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-mixx'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '" http://www.mixx.com/submit?page_url = "+ data: post.url 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Share this on Mixx '> Share this on Mixx </ a> </ li> < li class = 'sexy-Comfeed'> <a class='external' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + "feeds/posts/default"' rel='nofollow' title='Subscribe'> Subscribe </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-yahoobuzz'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://buzz.yahoo.com/submit/?submitUrl =" + data: post.url 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Buzz up! '> Buzz up! </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-linkedin'> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href =' "http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title = 'Share this on Linkedin'> Share this on Linkedin </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-designfloat'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://www. designfloat.com / submit.php? url = "+ data: post.url +" & title = "+ data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Submit this to DesignFloat '> Submit this to DesignFloat </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-technorati'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://technorati.com/faves?add =" + data : post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Share this on Technorati '> Share this on Technorati </ a> </ li> <li class = 'sexy-scriptstyle'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://scriptandstyle.com/submit?url =" + data: post.url + "& title =' + data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Submit this to Script & Style "> Submit this to Script & Style </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-myspace'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://www.myspace.com/Modules/PostTo/Pages/?u=http" + data: post.url + "& title =' + data : post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Post this to MySpace "> Post this to MySpace </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-blinklist'> <a class = 'external' expr: href = '"http://www.blinklist.com/index.php?Action=Blink/addblink.php&Url =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post . title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Share this on Blinklist '> Share this on Blinklist </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-friendfeed'> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href = '"http://friendfeed.com/?url =" + data: post.url + "& title =" + data: post.title' rel = 'nofollow' title = 'Share this on FriendFeed '> Share this on FriendFeed </ a> </ li> <li class='sexy-newsvine'> <a class =' ​​external 'expr: href =' "http://www.newsvine.com/_tools/ seed & save! u = "+ data: post.url +" & title = "+ data: post.title 'rel =' nofollow 'title =' Seed this on Newsvine '> Seed this on Newsvine </ a> </ li> </ ul> <div style='clear:both;'/> </ div>
Save and view results Nhe!
You can view this demo below.
I wish you success!

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