Monday, August 1, 2011

How many WordPress installation uses the same database

Many provider hosting limit the number of databases available for each account or maybe you just want to keep things more organized and not have wide range of databases distributedWhile you again to install multiple site WordPress many people use the same shared database 

From WP3.0 version of this performance is quite simple. You simply edit the following details:

Open wp-config.php file, locate the line: / * That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. * / Insert into the one immediately above it the following code: define ('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); Now, when you go to Dashboard > Tool will find the section Network as shown below:

You can customize the URL is a subdomain or Subdirectories . This means that each network, will create a wordpress Subdirectories or a subdomain . You must consider carefully when choosing, because we can not change the URL unless reinstalled. Network Details of the network information is automatically filled based on the wordpress URL. Server Address Address of the network about internet duoct create will be Network Title Like the blog title it so when you setup a new, Admin E-mail Address e-mail address of the network Enabling the Network First, you must create a folder named: blogs.dir , This directory is where to store all the files are uploaded. Then you open the file wp-config.php on, paste the above code that wordpress creates, you must paste the above line: / * That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. * / Then remove the line: define ('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true); Continue to open the file . htaccess out, replace the rules of wordpress, wordpress by the code that created for you. After the file . htaccess and wp-config.php file is saved, you refresh wp-admin , wordpress will ask you to sign in again. After logging in, in wp-admin menu will appear again named a " Super Admin ", with this menu, you can add / remove / customize the network. Note: that you have to Deactivate plugin Google XML Sitemaps can use this new feature in Wordpress 3.0. I wish you success!

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